Aujourd’hui, les corporations, les institutions, les systèmes de santé et les municipalités doivent en même temps utiliser et entretenir des infrastructures vieillissantes et inefficaces, grandes consommatrices d’énergie et dommageables pour l’environnement. Les Stratégies FOS pour le maintien de l’actif que nous avons développées se veulent une consultation orientée vers la performance. Avec la batterie appropriée de services, elles accompagnent nos clients dans la gestion de leurs infrastructures.
Notre objectif est de fournir des évaluations et des projets qui s’appuient sur les données réelles et qui donnent les résultats attendus.
Nos chefs d’équipe sont des architectes et des ingénieurs avec des dizaines d’années d’expérience en planification, en conception et en réalisation d’infrastructures dans tous les secteurs. C’est en nous appuyant sur notre connaissance approfondie de l’interdépendance des systèmes-clé du bâtiment que nous développons nos analyses, les recommandations, l’estimation des coûts différés pour la correction des retards d’entretien et celle du coût actuel de remplacement. De là, nous émettons les données qui permettent de déterminer le positionnement et l’état de l’établissement.
Un logiciel complet et inégalé d’appréciation de l’état des bâtiments
Nous avons développé, nous mettons à jour et nous utilisons notre propre logiciel, à usage exclusif, pour évaluer l’état et la pertinence des bâtiments. C`est en tant qu’évaluateurs, architectes, ingénieurs et planificateurs que nous avons conçu notre logiciel, que nous appelons FOCUS (pour Facility Optimization Client Utility Software, c’est-à-dire Logiciel Utilitaire du Client pour l’Optimisation de ses Infrastructures). Ce logiciel nous permet, par une évaluation poussée, par une approche simple, intuitive et pertinente, de faciliter la planification stratégique et l’amorce du projet. Il nous aide à mettre en place un premier scénario. FOCUS fournit d’abord un état actuel des lieux, puis il nous permet de préparer les rapports, de développer les stratégies, de planifier et de mettre à jour les améliorations et les ajustements requis. Notre équipe est en mesure d’arrimer ces données aux recommandations stratégiques et aux estimations de coût très précises que préparera notre équipe d’estimation des coûts de construction, une partie intégrante de FOCUS™.
Have a question or assessment need? Let us know how we can help.
Case Studies
Texas HHSC, Ten-Year Plan for State Psychiatric Hospitals & State Supported Living Centers
Needing to understand the current state of its Rubenstein and Ignacio Residence Halls to help them continue to drive value, Boston College teamed with FOS to evaluate the existing infrastructure. The goals for the project were to build understanding around the facilities’ fire protection and fire alarm systems, potential kitchen and bath needs and interior finishes. Because the building needed to be out-of-service to complete the work, FOS developed a phasing plan to maximize the off-line time for the completion of other infrastructure upgrades. This schedule also introduced strategic cost options for implementation.
Saint Louis University Hospital, St. Louis, MO
A Roadmap for a Health System’s Future Facility Needs
FOS assessed several major healthcare facilities totaling over 1.7 million sf to establish current conditions and determine deferred maintenance and improvement needs along with associated costs. The facilities included surgery suites, bed towers, clinical suites, radiology spaces, laboratory, data center and more. The process involved staff questionnaires and interviews, on-site analysis, cost estimation and final reports. The FOS team also executed an exhaustive on-site survey of all major facility system components. Ultimately, a final report highlighted and prioritized corrective actions for deficiencies based on need and cost estimates for the short- and long-term.
City of Buffalo
Creating a 21st Century Facility Management Program
CannonDesign’s FOS division was part of a team that executed facility assessments for more than 3.3 million SF of Buffalo city-owned facilities, including fire, police, civic and sports facilities. FOS alone then delivered short- and long-term planning solutions for all of the city facilities. This data has enabled the City to build and begin to execute a multi-year, multi-phase plan to update its facility management systems and create a cutting-edge system capable of helping them make informed asset management decisions. This extensive plan encompasses capital planning, real estate and property management, maintenance coordination and management, energy conservation and document management. Read More.
Cornell University, Washington, DC
Assess. Evaluate. Plan for the future.
Our FOS team conducted a comprehensive facility condition assessment at Cornell University’s Wolpe Center in Washington, DC. The 25,000 sf assessment of the envelope and interior systems evaluated the condition of exposed foundations and visible structural members, exterior roof and flashing system assemblies, wall cladding and soffit systems, window and door assemblies, storefront systems, louvers, exterior stairs, balconies/guardrails, and structural systems. The assessment also evaluated accessible and barrier-free travel into and within the facility, including pavements within 10 feet of the accessible entrances, auto-door hardware systems, exterior lift, interior elevator and corridors.
University of Maryland Medical Center, Baltimore, MD
Evidence-Based Plans for the Future
The University of Maryland Medical Center required comprehensive facility conditions and adequacy assessment for its urban campus comprised of 4 million sf distributed across 20 buildings. The spaces included classrooms, research and lab spaces, acute care space and ORs among others. The scope of the effort included document review, interviews with key personnel, field inspections on critical building systems, testing and measurement, energy payback analysis and development of FCI ratings via our FOCUS™ software. Our teams also provided lifecycle analysis, cost estimates and detailed recommendations on correcting deficiencies.
Charlotte County, Florida
A Path Toward Fiscal, Physical + Environmental Stewardship
Charlotte County in Florida worked with FOS to execute a comprehensive facility condition assessment of 1.7 million sf at 115 municipal facilities and sites across the county – located on the west coast of Florida. Facility types includes parks, sports venues, cultural centers, libraries, justice centers, fire stations, emergency operations centers, jails, community centers, election and county administrative facilities and utility structures. This effort resulted in a comprehensive plan highlighting recommendations, cost estimate and deficiencies.