Brad LukanicCEO and education leader Brad Lukanic will present “Stop the spiral to being obsolete” at the University Industry Demonstration Partnership’s general meeting, being held October 5 – 7 in Atlanta, Georgia.

About his session:

How can leaders – however we define, approach or engage – evolve conversations with the next generation while weeding through societal and technology changes? This future generation is dissatisfied, shaped by multi-faced intersection of economic inequities and diminishing trust in leadership, coupled with the emergence of new technology and connectivity.

Millennials, the largest generation in the workforce, are the most technology advanced that think, work and connect to values differently. How do we, again as leaders, respond and create necessary change to this generation that’s mobile, virtual and instantaneous? How can a design firm like mine address and evoke change that positively impacts industry, government and education? This presentation will share our goals of leveraging virtual design components and shaping experiences of moving through spaces. It’s figuring out how bi-directional approaches and technology (the internet of things, augmented reality) can work with this generation to understand and resolve their workplace challenges. Their frustrations might be our greatest opportunities.

UIDP’s mission supports mutually beneficial university-industry collaborations by developing and disseminating strategies for addressing common issues between the two sectors.

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