Expansion of Accelerator-Based Neutron Source for International Research

Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Spallation Neutron Source Second Target Station, Oak Ridge, TN

The Oak Ridge National Laboratory Spallation Neutron Source (SNS) is a major Department of Energy accelerator-based neutron source facility that provides the most intense pulsed neutron beams in the world for an international user community. The facility currently operates at a maximum energy level of approximately 1 GeV. The 360,000 gsf facility will include an extension of the existing proton beamline and earth shielded underground tunnel enclosure, a new target building, 22 neutron beam lines, multiple instrument buildings, central utility plant, central exhaust facility and a new general purpose laboratory/office research building.

The complex occupies approximately 14 acres and includes extensive site and utility infrastructure development. Radiological levels associated with the accelerator, target and beamline systems requires earth, steel and high-density concrete shielding impacting planning and design for much of the project. Working through an IDIQ task order, we recently worked with the STS experimental and conventional facilities team to prepare the STS Conceptual Design Report, which incorporated the results of previous programming and technical design studies. We are providing project management, architecture, structural engineering, MEP/FP engineering, and cost estimating supported by geotechnical and civil engineering consultants.