Preparing for the effects of climate change

With sea levels rising, droughts increasing and natural disasters intensifying, the effects of climate change are already upon us. Although we face many challenges in our new world, the opportunity for designers to create solutions for resiliency is more important than ever. Our week-long Environmental Awareness Week seeks to educate and prompt important conversations about how to design can create solutions to our rapidly changing world.

Places we learn from

Our speakers have joined us from around the world and we are honored to have learned from them over the years. These organizations are leaders and innovators in environmental awareness, stewardship, and action at a local, national and international scale.


Donated to environmental causes



Non-profit organizations supported



National Speakers

How we're doing our part

CannonDesign’s commitment to organizing Environmental Awareness Week year after year since 2003 is informed by a collective spirit of generosity to our clients, our employees, our profession and our communities. After more than a decade of hosting, we are proud to reflect on how much this annual event means to us. Together, we are improving the culture of sustainability, leading by example and helping in the journey to create a better world.